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Learning intention: I can create poetry using poetic devices and follows a specific form.

What I learned: I learned that there are many different types of poetry and poetic devices. Some of the poetry I learned about was sensory, character, and concrete. For poetic devices I learned how to use onomatopoeia, and similes very well.
2/22/2013 03:15:34 am

I liked your what u learned part. It was almost exactly like mine. I learned about poetic devices to!

2/22/2013 03:30:59 am

I also learned the same things as you did and I liked your example of what you learned.

Alison DiLaurentis
2/22/2013 03:34:45 am

I really liked the "Ode to Pizza" and the sensory poem on ice cream, you really made me hungry.

Cookie Monster
2/23/2013 08:50:54 am

I really enjoyed your Character and your Sensory poem. My favourite part from the sensory poem was It melts onto your hand with the slightest touch. I had a clear image in my mind and am now craving ice cream and summer. I also liked the voice and humour you put into your Character poem. Great job!


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